Thursday, October 6, 2016

Post 3: Prezzie

Well, is easy for me talk about the best present received in my life because has been my favorite since much time ago. For my birthday nº 15, my school's friends went to my house to regard me and obviously, eat all the tasty food typical of the birthdays and They gave me your present, that was a big box closed with a bow.
 The truth is that I was very excited for know what were inside, so I did can't wait to open the box, and when I did, inside was a rabbit and I remember all my surprise and happiness for this present, because since long time ago I wanted a rabbit, and was so small and cute. That present was very amazing and I think that never have receive another more fantastic that my rabbit called Samuel or Sam. 

Today, my rabbit has 7 years and is very fat and hairy, but even is cute. He eat many carrots and fruits like apple, peach, or watermelon, but also is fanatic of spinach and celery. Is really fantastic have a rabbit because are very funny and friendly, like a dogs, but less noisy, and more cute. Always I remember that my rabbit was the best present of my life, and although now, I don't speak with the school's friends that gave me the present, always I think that They made me very happy with this present. Simply, I love to my rabbit called Samuel and I believe that is the best pet for any person. 


  1. Sam is very cute (and I think he is not sooo fat, haha). It's curious, but just today I had a strong experience with a little bunny. When I left the class, at the front of the University there was a girl with bunnies into a box. One of them stole my heart. I really thought taking it with me, but I think animals are not for sale, and... I couldn't. I am still thinking about that bunny :(

  2. I like rabbits to and I liked the video with your pet eating an apple jaja

  3. I have a rabitt too! they are awesome. I had six rabbits before :)
