Thursday, October 27, 2016

A job in the future

Well, is difficult talk about one job I would like to have in the future because even I'm very confounded because like a social anthropologist can work in many different areas and places, is a discipline very various. However, I'm very determine about not work in the university in investigation and teaching, because this places is very distant of the problems of society and that must be change. For that reason, I believe that I would like a job in the public sector like a ministry of education or some ONG about education, because I'm really sure about work in anthropology of education, that is an area not much develop in Chile and I think that is very important understand process of education from a perspective social and cultural and not only psychological or economic. I would like develop investigation in schools with child about topics like construction of masculinity and integration of immigrants, but also work in the ministry of education in public policy . 

Honestly, I don't know what type of qualities need for work in this area, because even I have a idea very simple, but I think that is necessary a broad knowledge about social methodology like interview for the develop of investigation in this area, and a theoretical knowledge about topics in education and anthropology and believe that I'm prepared for that. 
Work in education from anthropology is important for me because I want that my knowledge and my discipline contribute to necessity of the society and not only for my own interest, because I'm sure that If everyone contribute with our knowledge We can help a little to get a better society, less individualist. 


  1. Hi Almendra :B

    I also want work in a public sector or some ONG :o maybe we can work together 1313

  2. I agree with you, is important the social science need be close about social problem.

  3. I belief like that your, a person that only work how an academic be out of the social problems, that is the main objetive of this profession...

  4. I am agree with you. We need more knowledge and preparation from all the disciplines. That is a way to help people too.

  5. I agree with you, I think that is so boring to work like academician in the university, and is great that you want to work in education area of Anthropology

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. work in ONG? wooow, souns really cool! and I like you thought about work directly in places that need a change :)

  8. I totally agree with you that learning needs to be looked at from a sociocultural perspective. I am not sure about the ministry of Education as the best choice but depending on the post you have, I suppose you could really make a difference.
