Thursday, October 20, 2016

Book: The Easter Island

When I'm in college time, often I read only academic things, although I like very much read novels, because I have many papers o books for read in all the subjects, and when I have  free time, I don't want read, and prefer see movies or series. 
Well, this week I had to read a lecture of Jacques Derrida, a philosopher, but I think that is very boring, so, I will talk about other book that I'm reading about Easter Island for a subject. The book was wrote for Alfred Metraux and his name is Easter Island, so original., and is a academic book although is very similar to novel because narrate a story about the origin of population from Easter Island. 

This book is a mixture between archaeological and anthropological information about the different theory about who were the first settles in the island and where from their. The principal theory say that the people of Polynesia arrived to island from places like a Tahiti or Hawaii for the similarity between both cultures, but this book tells about some authors say that existed other culture before to people of Polynesia and that they dissapear. The most interesting information about this discussion is the existence of moais, because the people of Easter Island say that this monument were when their ancestor arrived, and this authors that argue the Polynesia theory, believe that the moais were construct for this culture pre Polynesia. 
Even I not finish the book, then I don't know what say the archaeological evidence about this theory but I think that is interesting the discussion because always I believe in the theory about the Polynesia. I'm enjoying this book although is academic book, because is write of form very narrative like a novel, and talk about the expeditions to Easter Island for gather information about the past and history of Island.  

Resultado de imagen para isla de pascua


  1. I think that this island is a very interestig mistery :o maybe some day I will read about it :B

  2. It sounds awesome, I imagine the complexity of known which theory is true and which it's not O: Take care!

  3. :O woow, sound really interesting, this theory about Polynesia... but also it scares a little, like "people from Easter Island ar not chilean anymore!!" xD but yeah, have many similary things with Hawaii, 4 example

  4. I will read that book, because is really interesting for me know about big human constructions :)

  5. Oh! Your post remember me when I took the course "Oceania" with professor Claudio Cristino! It was a good course... and all the bibliography was in English, so, it was good also to English practice
