Thursday, December 1, 2016


Well, it's a little difficult talk about one ambition, because the truth is that always I'm very changing about my interest but, one of this ambition, maybe a little simple, is learn german and I don't know how can explain the reasons of mi interest for german, maybe because is a language so different to spanish or english. I think that learn other other language different of english is more difficult because is necessary begin since zero, because in the school only can learn english, and for that reason I would be very happy If reach learn to read en german a simple texts and can arm simple sentences. 

I can't explain when started this idea about the german, but I think that university was a point of influence for that ambition, because I'm really interested in travel to Germany because the social anthropology is very developed in this country and that thin I know for the university, when I started to read to many authors very important for the social sciences. But, this isn't the only reason because now, thinking in this point, in the last years, started to see many different movies and some series produces for Germany, and are very interesting for me, and I think that language german is fascinating, the intonation, the long sentences and more. And this issue, I think also contributed to my interest for the german. 

Finally, fulfill with this ambition would be incredible because is a idea that has been in my mind for a long time and definitely I must learn german in the future, is sometime that I can't forget. 

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Well, I was much time making in the activities and I think that is very important for me keep working more in listening because is difficult understand some words and I can't focus in the contents of audio. 
But, I think that in other areas like reading and understanding I can make much more things, also in vocabulary is more simple for me choose the word and this is importante because I can concentrate and read more fast any text and like this, dedicate more time to other items like listening. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Resultado de imagen para juan le-bert

I believe that is a little difficult think in one person i admire, because are many, but recently, in the first semester I had a teacher that was very important for me and admire. He is Juan Le-Bert and was my teacher of a theoretical course in social  anthropology called Theory of the Culture, and this subject is really important for understand the discussion more actual in modern anthropology. 

The importance that had this teacher in my academic formation is in his perspective about the role of anthropologist, because in the beginning , they only study to primitives or indigenous societies, whit a character very exotic, but the anthropology now is more that it and this teacher taught me that in the modern societies also exists culture and We can study this. Also, in this course I read texts about topics more actual and that was very interesting. 
So, Le-Bert is a social anthropologist specialized in topics about contemporary societies and films, and in the class He showed us much films really amazing and We had analyze all the social and cultural aspects of this movies and connected it whit authors like Freud, Marx and more. 

Although this teacher is not a popular person in Chile, I think that is a public person in the field of anthropology and I would like that all the people know him because is a really interesting person for have a conversation about anything topic and also is a good teacher.
Another thing really interesting, He believe that all the things in this life can be merchandise, and is funny because I remember one class that talk about the memes and He say this are very capitalist because Google buy memes. I don't know, is a interesting information. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A job in the future

Well, is difficult talk about one job I would like to have in the future because even I'm very confounded because like a social anthropologist can work in many different areas and places, is a discipline very various. However, I'm very determine about not work in the university in investigation and teaching, because this places is very distant of the problems of society and that must be change. For that reason, I believe that I would like a job in the public sector like a ministry of education or some ONG about education, because I'm really sure about work in anthropology of education, that is an area not much develop in Chile and I think that is very important understand process of education from a perspective social and cultural and not only psychological or economic. I would like develop investigation in schools with child about topics like construction of masculinity and integration of immigrants, but also work in the ministry of education in public policy . 

Honestly, I don't know what type of qualities need for work in this area, because even I have a idea very simple, but I think that is necessary a broad knowledge about social methodology like interview for the develop of investigation in this area, and a theoretical knowledge about topics in education and anthropology and believe that I'm prepared for that. 
Work in education from anthropology is important for me because I want that my knowledge and my discipline contribute to necessity of the society and not only for my own interest, because I'm sure that If everyone contribute with our knowledge We can help a little to get a better society, less individualist. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Book: The Easter Island

When I'm in college time, often I read only academic things, although I like very much read novels, because I have many papers o books for read in all the subjects, and when I have  free time, I don't want read, and prefer see movies or series. 
Well, this week I had to read a lecture of Jacques Derrida, a philosopher, but I think that is very boring, so, I will talk about other book that I'm reading about Easter Island for a subject. The book was wrote for Alfred Metraux and his name is Easter Island, so original., and is a academic book although is very similar to novel because narrate a story about the origin of population from Easter Island. 

This book is a mixture between archaeological and anthropological information about the different theory about who were the first settles in the island and where from their. The principal theory say that the people of Polynesia arrived to island from places like a Tahiti or Hawaii for the similarity between both cultures, but this book tells about some authors say that existed other culture before to people of Polynesia and that they dissapear. The most interesting information about this discussion is the existence of moais, because the people of Easter Island say that this monument were when their ancestor arrived, and this authors that argue the Polynesia theory, believe that the moais were construct for this culture pre Polynesia. 
Even I not finish the book, then I don't know what say the archaeological evidence about this theory but I think that is interesting the discussion because always I believe in the theory about the Polynesia. I'm enjoying this book although is academic book, because is write of form very narrative like a novel, and talk about the expeditions to Easter Island for gather information about the past and history of Island.  

Resultado de imagen para isla de pascua

Sunday, October 16, 2016

A good friend

I think that I have some very good friends, but today I would like about Ingrid, my friend since many time ago. When I had 14 years old, started in a new school and a new house, so all the things were very news. In this context, I met to Ingrid when both were very young and initially, We were good friends, but not as close like now. In this time, We were part of a group very big of friends, but our difference with Ingrid were many. 
We don't have anything in common and our interest are very different, She loves the metal and punk, but I prefer indie or pop music; I'm very fan of movies and series of science fiction, superheroes and historical, but She don't see much series, and She prefers horror movies. Also, our personality is different, because She is very sensitive and distracted, and I not. So, really We are very differents, but she is a good friends because is very understanding and She knows everything about me, and She helps me when I have problems or just need a hug. 

Unfortunately, I can't see to Ingrid often, because She always have many activities in the week with the university, but also in the weekend, because She works in animation of birthdays. However, when We get together is very funny because I propose differents activities like cinema or festival of music. 

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Post 3: Prezzie

Well, is easy for me talk about the best present received in my life because has been my favorite since much time ago. For my birthday nº 15, my school's friends went to my house to regard me and obviously, eat all the tasty food typical of the birthdays and They gave me your present, that was a big box closed with a bow.
 The truth is that I was very excited for know what were inside, so I did can't wait to open the box, and when I did, inside was a rabbit and I remember all my surprise and happiness for this present, because since long time ago I wanted a rabbit, and was so small and cute. That present was very amazing and I think that never have receive another more fantastic that my rabbit called Samuel or Sam. 

Today, my rabbit has 7 years and is very fat and hairy, but even is cute. He eat many carrots and fruits like apple, peach, or watermelon, but also is fanatic of spinach and celery. Is really fantastic have a rabbit because are very funny and friendly, like a dogs, but less noisy, and more cute. Always I remember that my rabbit was the best present of my life, and although now, I don't speak with the school's friends that gave me the present, always I think that They made me very happy with this present. Simply, I love to my rabbit called Samuel and I believe that is the best pet for any person.