Thursday, December 1, 2016


Well, it's a little difficult talk about one ambition, because the truth is that always I'm very changing about my interest but, one of this ambition, maybe a little simple, is learn german and I don't know how can explain the reasons of mi interest for german, maybe because is a language so different to spanish or english. I think that learn other other language different of english is more difficult because is necessary begin since zero, because in the school only can learn english, and for that reason I would be very happy If reach learn to read en german a simple texts and can arm simple sentences. 

I can't explain when started this idea about the german, but I think that university was a point of influence for that ambition, because I'm really interested in travel to Germany because the social anthropology is very developed in this country and that thin I know for the university, when I started to read to many authors very important for the social sciences. But, this isn't the only reason because now, thinking in this point, in the last years, started to see many different movies and some series produces for Germany, and are very interesting for me, and I think that language german is fascinating, the intonation, the long sentences and more. And this issue, I think also contributed to my interest for the german. 

Finally, fulfill with this ambition would be incredible because is a idea that has been in my mind for a long time and definitely I must learn german in the future, is sometime that I can't forget.