Thursday, November 24, 2016


Well, I was much time making in the activities and I think that is very important for me keep working more in listening because is difficult understand some words and I can't focus in the contents of audio. 
But, I think that in other areas like reading and understanding I can make much more things, also in vocabulary is more simple for me choose the word and this is importante because I can concentrate and read more fast any text and like this, dedicate more time to other items like listening. 

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Resultado de imagen para juan le-bert

I believe that is a little difficult think in one person i admire, because are many, but recently, in the first semester I had a teacher that was very important for me and admire. He is Juan Le-Bert and was my teacher of a theoretical course in social  anthropology called Theory of the Culture, and this subject is really important for understand the discussion more actual in modern anthropology. 

The importance that had this teacher in my academic formation is in his perspective about the role of anthropologist, because in the beginning , they only study to primitives or indigenous societies, whit a character very exotic, but the anthropology now is more that it and this teacher taught me that in the modern societies also exists culture and We can study this. Also, in this course I read texts about topics more actual and that was very interesting. 
So, Le-Bert is a social anthropologist specialized in topics about contemporary societies and films, and in the class He showed us much films really amazing and We had analyze all the social and cultural aspects of this movies and connected it whit authors like Freud, Marx and more. 

Although this teacher is not a popular person in Chile, I think that is a public person in the field of anthropology and I would like that all the people know him because is a really interesting person for have a conversation about anything topic and also is a good teacher.
Another thing really interesting, He believe that all the things in this life can be merchandise, and is funny because I remember one class that talk about the memes and He say this are very capitalist because Google buy memes. I don't know, is a interesting information.