Thursday, September 22, 2016

Post 1

This semester I have a course named Metodologías Cualitativas 2, where the objective is developed a research in any neighbourhood of Santiagoabout the topic "Subjectivity and policy", with a particular technique of investigation in social science named focus group. So, yesterday I went to Barrio Franklin with my partners to see If We can make the research en this place. I don't knew the place, although always I saw in the television or other people tell me things about this neighbourhood very typical of Santiago where the people sells food, furniture, clothes and many other object. We went to Barrio Franklin during the lunch and walk a lot for his streets, and is a place very entertaining because there is so many people selling things and there is a much restaurants of peruvian food, chinese food, korean food and more. 

So, after a many time walking for the streets and knowing the place, We start our work. We needed discover If was possible make the research in this place and for that, We must talk with any neighbourhood group for know hoy many people live in Franklin. So, We walked a lot, with the sun on our head, but We can't find the neighbourhood group and was very difficult and disappointing because We spend many time in this mission and We don't find answers 
Now, We have think about this research, We don't know If choose Barrio Franklin or search for another neighbourhood in Santiago.